
The Rain summary of English 10th class

The Rain This beautiful poem has been written by W.H.Davies. In this short poem the poet describes a reality of life through the example of rain. He says that he hears the leaves drinking rain. The leaves on top are full of water of rain. The upper leaves after quenching their thirst pass on the drops to the lower leaves. It means that the rich people should help the poor. The poet says the sun will come out after raining and will brighten up each rain drop. It will be a lovely sight. The poet means to say that there would be equality in the society just like the sunshine which spreads all over the world equally. This poem has symbolic meanings and a beautiful message for rich people.

Summary of Try Again Written by: W. E. Hickson

Try Again Written by: W. E. Hickson This short poem “Try Again” has been written by William Edward Hickson. The poet says if at first you do not succeed, try again. Do not give up easily, persistence pays off in the end. Failure is the good lesson for people to learn how to succeed. Failure is the teacher. It is common that you may fail because at first you have no experience how to do particular thing. You should learn from your failure. It takes a while to learn, to experiment and to succeed. We often get frustrated. We may even give up because of the fear of failing. It is certain that we will have to go through great difficulties before we reach to our goals in our lives. Try again is the only way to be successful.  

Summary of Pease 10th Class

Peace is a metaphorical poem written by Dr.Silvia Hartmann. The main theme of the poem is WIND that is fierce while in rage but gentle at its core. She unfolds the truth hidden in the depth and makes one know the actual nature of wind. Everything in this world has positive and negative aspects. Firstly the poetess says that wind is symbol of hardships. Its looks like an aggressive monster who smashes each and everything that comes in its way. when wind is in angry mood it hang up men work but when we look positive aspect of wind then it is a symbol of life it fills all the space in gentle and calm way .it only whisper that show its presence.

Summary Deffodils

Lesson no. (21) Deffodils (page no. 51) This beautiful poem is a masterpiece of William Wordsworth. He is of the view that beautiful and impressive things are ever remembered and leave an impression on our memory. He says that one day he was walking along the bank of lake where he noticed a lot of daffodils there. They were growing under shady trees. They were looking like the stars in the Milky Way and were moving up and down, like dancing in the morning breeze. The sight was so charming that the poet was overjoyed. Afterwards, he recalled the sight in his imagination many times while relaxing on his bed. That sight ever gave him pleasure in his loneliness

Summary Truth the Best

Lesson no. (16) Truth- the best (page no. 41) This is a very beautiful, simple and constructive poem written by Elizabeth Turner. Poetess wants to express that sometimes we are caught into some difficult situation and get no way out and we seek safety in lying but simple truth can save us from dangerous situations. This is the same thing happened to Rebecca Mason the central character of this poem who broke a china basin while she was playing in the drawing room. At first she thought about escape from the site, because, no one was the witness of the event. But soon she realized that she was not taught to deceive. So, at once she made up her mind to tell the truth to her mother and she did so. Her mother appreciated her courage to tell the truth and not only forgave her but loved her more than ever.

Summary Abou bin Adham (page no. 30)

Lesson no. (12) Abou bin Adham (page no. 30)              This is a very beautiful, simple and interesting poem written by   Leigh Hunt. He says that Abou bin Adham was a very pious man. He was very gentle, sympathetic and kind to his people. He was very simple and religious minded. He loved his fellowmen very much. He was of the view that God blesses and favors those people who love his creatures. The poet throws light on an incident from the life of Abou bin Adham. One night he was sleeping in his room. Suddenly he woke up. He saw an angel in his room. The angel was writing something in his golden book. Abou asked the angel what he was writing. The angel replied that he was writing the names of those people who loved God. Abou asked the angel if his name was there. The angel replied in negative. Then Abou requested the angel to write his name among those people who loved mankind. The angel did so and disappeared. Next night the angel came again and showed the list to Abou. His na

Summary Lesson No. 8 Evening 9th class

Lesson no. (08) Evening (page no. 21) Thomas miller   was a great visionary person. He is known as mystic poet. In this poem he describes about evening when it prevails. He says that everything is covered under a blanket of gloomy darkness. White stars have appeared in the sky. The long grass with dew drops is wet now. All the animals are going to sleep. The air has become dark and still. He is not afraid of anything. The poet has strong faith in God. He says that God is the supreme power. He is the master of the universe. All matters are under his control. God loves all of us, the rich, the poor, the great and the small. The poet himself prays to God. He has firm belief in God. He thinks that God is his protector all the time. The poet wants to say that God is love. We also must love one another and abolish hatred from this world to make it a peaceful and happy place