It is the comparatively a new science or new at least in the form, it has taken in the recent years. It is scientific study of language.


  • Applied Linguistic
  • Theoretical
  • Descriptive
  • Historical
  • Geographical
  • Comparative

What is Applied Linguistics?

  1. It is a field of study that identifies, investigates and offers solutions to language related problems.
  2. It can be applied to all aspects of language use. It deals with mother, foreign, second language acquisition.

Application Fields of A.L.

A.L extend into such practical application fields as:

  • Clinical Linguistics

Analysis and treatment of language disorders.

Language Acquisition:

L1 and L2: L1 is a mother language and L2 is a learning of language.

  • Teaching and Learning Foreign Language:

Developing Foreign Language teaching methods that we want to learn for our purpose.

  • Educational Linguistics:

The use of Mother Tongue in school.
  • Lexicography:
  • It is devided by related disciplines.
    • Practical Lexicography:
    It is the art craft or compiling, writing and editing dictionaries.
    • Theoretical Lexicography:
    Theory and practice in organizing dictionaries, methods and techniques for creating dictionaries.
    • Computational Linguistics:
    The use of computers in language analysis and offer work as members interdisciplinary teams, including Linguistics, language experts and computer scientists.
    • Machine Translation:
    It is computerized translation. ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition). It is translation of spoken words into text.
    • Language Assessment:
    To measure students learning of languages, to determine what a student knows or can do and how well instruction is proceeding.
    • Forensic Linguistics:
    The application of linguistic knowledge, methods and insights to the context of law, language, crime investigation, trial, experts, court, evidence, jurislinguistics
    • Language Pedagogy:
    It is theory of developing teaching methods.
    • Psycho Linguistics:
    The studies of the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce speech, relationship between language and human behavior.
    • Internet Linguistics:
    It studies new language styles and forms that have arises under the influence of the internet and short message service (SMS).
    • Socio Linguistics:
    It is study of the link between language and society.
    • Neuro Linguistics:
    Study of the Neuro-Logical basis of language development and use in human beings especially of the brain’s control over the process of analyzes of acquired disorders of language or speech in patients with brain damage.
    • Language Interpretation:
    Facilitating of oral or sign language communication between users of different languages.
    • Language Control/ Dialectology:
    Study of linguistic dialect, variations language and is based primarily on geographic distribution.
    Need for A.L
    1. Throughout history and across the world, people hav used language to gossip and chat. Flirt and play games, sing songs, tell stories, pass on information etc.
    2. Language use, then is in many ways a natural phenomenon beyond conscious control.
    3. Use in which we can intervene, and about which consequently are decisions to be made.
    Difference between Linguistics and A.L
    1.nguistics: it is a science that studies language and has some fields.Li1.nguistics: it is a science that studies language and has some fields.Li
    2.Phonetics: it deals with the sounds of language, how they are prodced.2.It deals with mother, foreign second language acquisition
    3.Morphology: it deals with how sounds are put together to form words and everything related to word formation.3.It examined the relationship and such areas as law, communication, media, social and educational psychology and educational in general.
    4.Semantics: It deals with the meaning of words, sentences and texts.4.Domain of applied linguistics are text, language, literacy, research, language teaching and learning and translation.
    5.Syntax: It deals with how sentences are formed.
    6.Pragmatics: Studies how people comprehend and produce a communicative act or speech, act in a concrete speech situation.


    This implies the investigation of the internal structure or the cognitive aspects of the learner. It is very important for language teachers to have an understanding of the different aspects of language and draw out useful implications and applications for foreign language learning and teaching

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