Main Parts of English Grammar
The alphabet of English is composed of twenty six
letters. They are divided into two classes.
انگریزی کے حروف تحجی 26حروف پر مشتمل ھیں۔ین کو
دو کلاس میں تقسیم کیا جاتاھے۔
The five letters a,e,i,o,u are known as
the vowels in English and we cannot write words without using vowels.
The remaining twenty one letters of the alphabet are
known as the
Consonant in English.
The word is a proper combination of letters and it
conveys some idea.
لفظ حروف کا مجموعہ ھوتا ھے اورجو ایک تصور پیش
کرتا ھے-
e.g pencil,college,book.
A group of words that makes some sense, but not the sense.
الفاظ کا ایسا مجموعہ جو کچھ مفہومتو اداکرے مگر
مکمل مفہوم ادانہ کرے۔