Paradise Lost is an Epic Poem

Paradise Lost is an Epic Poem

“Epic” is the name given to narrative poetry which deals, in dignified and elevated style, with some important action, usually heroic. (An epic is a narrative poem, of considerable length, of exalted style, celebrating heroic adventures, mythical or historical). The great examples of classical epics are the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, which are unmatched in any other language. In Latin, the Aenied by the ancient poet, Virgil, is almost equally famous. The Iliad, a poem in twenty-four books, has as its central theme the wrath of Achilles. The Odyssey, also a poem in twenty-four books, deals with the adventures of Odysseus. Aeneid is a poem in twelve books: it is a national epic, designed to celebrate the origin and growthof the Roman empire, the ground-work of the poem being the legends connected with Aeneas. Paradise Lost can properly be classed among epic poems. 

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