
Literary Terms

WHAT IS PERSONIFICATION? A variety of figrative or metaphorical language in whic thins or ideas are treated as if they are human attributes and feelings. Oximoron: A figure of speech in which contradictory terms are brought together in what is at first sight an impossible combination. Example: I burn and freeze like ICE. The darkness visible. Soliloquy: A curious but fascinating dramatic convention which allows a character in a play to speak directly to the audience, as if they thinking aloud about motives, feelings and decisions Example: Shakes Pear's Macbeth and Hamlet Irony: Difference between appearance and reality, To say something and meaning something. Blank Verse: It is a literary term define as unrhyming written in iambic pentameter. It is used in poetry and prose. A line of five iambs introduced by Henry Howard.


WHAT IS LINGUISTICS? It is the comparatively a new science or new at least in the form, it has taken in the recent years. It is scientific study of language. LINGUISTIC IS SUB DIVIDED INTO SUCH GROUPS: Applied Linguistic Theoretical Descriptive Historical Geographical Comparative What is Applied Linguistics? It is a field of study that identifies, investigates and offers solutions to language related problems. It can be applied to all aspects of language use. It deals with mother, foreign, second language acquisition. Application Fields of A.L. A.L extend into such practical application fields as: Clinical Linguistics Analysis and treatment of language disorders. Language Acquisition: L1 and L2: L1 is a mother language and L2 is a learning of language. Teaching and Learning Foreign Language: Developing Foreign Language teaching methods that we want to learn for our purpose. Educational Linguistics: The use ...


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